HDKI – Hombu Dojo Podcast Episode 20: Juan San, the first intern.

Hi there!, a few months ago I went to Dublin, meet with everyone again after two years, also trained with Scott Langley Sensei, with Rick Hotton Sensei and had a hangover training session and talk with Ruadhán Mew and Ross Stewart (many thanks for that). I apologize for my terrible English, hahaha. I know nothing but speak about everything that I’m going through. Hope you enjoy it. all this at the Hombu Dojo Podcasts


We talked about, ownership of your training, how to continue after the internship, how it felt to go back to Dublin after 2 years, and some other things. Hope you enjoy it.


ENGLISH: HDKI headquarters intern #10 – Ismael Babeli

Few days ago I came back home after being a month in the Hombu Dojo, Dublin carrying out the HDKI internship. Little by little the fatigue is coming out, my body is still quite sore due to  the the intensity of the training and the living conditions of few comfort. Sigue leyendo «ENGLISH: HDKI headquarters intern #10 – Ismael Babeli»

HDKI headquarters intern #10 – Ismael Babeli

Hace ya unos días que volví a casa después de estar un mes en el Hombu Dojo, Dublín realizando el internship de la HDKI. Poco a poco va saliendo el cansancio acumulado,  mi cuerpo aún está algo resentido debido a la intensidad de los entrenamientos y las condiciones de vida de escaso confort.

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10 concepts that I learned from Palma Diosi Sensei

During ten weeks I was in Dublin doing the HDKI internship, I was able to train with several instructors, mostly with the main instructors of the Hombu Dojo HDKI, although not only with them.

Specifically, with Palma Diosi Sensei I had the priceless opportunity to help her in classes for kids, attend regular classes with her plus the weekends’ squad training. Her way of teaching and coaching gave me interesting inputs that I’ll try to share with you through this article in 10 clear ideas. Of course, they are a product of my perception and understanding, so be kind to me while translating this experience. Sigue leyendo «10 concepts that I learned from Palma Diosi Sensei»

The HDKI-Internship a truly #KarateAdventure

Originally published at the HDKI Shinbun

As many of you know, the HDKI was born in March 2017. At the time I was in my first 10-Days Vipassana silence retreat, where the concept of impermanence is deepened and continuously explored in a practical way, only based in your experience, but I was unable to imagine that this fundamental principle of the universal law would manifest in such a way, so clear. When I left the retreat it took me a while to decide to open my e-mail inbox, but when I did it, I was shocked. Something was born in the meantime and with it, a whole new world of opportunities or that was what I thought. Sigue leyendo «The HDKI-Internship a truly #KarateAdventure»

Resumen 2017 – … y esto apenas comienza

Este año ha estado lleno de aventuras, #KarateAdventures como dicen en Irlanda, y es que podría considerarle junto al 2016 el año más provechoso en mi vida marcial hasta el momento, ¿que tal si hago un recuento de lo acontecido?

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Décima semana en Irlanda y comentario final

El post anterior  lo terminé con algunos comentarios de la última clase de sensei Scott Langley

[…] Luego del morning training Sensei Dídac y yo nos fuimos a dar una vuelta por la ciudad, volvimos al dojo para la clase de los pequeños y posteriormente para la clase de Sensei Scott. En esta clase la intención fue tratar de generar un flujo ininterrumpido entre una serie de técnicas, es decir que la transición entre una técnica y la otra fuera fluida y continua. aquí el vídeo con los ejercicios que hicimos en la clase.

Al ser la última clase con Sensei Scott me hizo entrega de un certificado conforme he concluido satisfactoriamente el internship de la HDKI, como primer participante en dicho programa.


Viernes, Sensei Dídac y yo tuvimos la oportunidad de entrenar con el squad de kata, siguiéndoles en trabajo de sincronía y timing en los katas de kanku Sho y Sochin, y acabando con una sesión de kumite para acabar el viernes.

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Eighth and Ninth Week at the HDKI – Hombu Dojo Dublin

To see previous post click here!


Monday Dídac Sensei  invited me to teach the dojo in Barcelona, I decided to accept. I used the opportunity to train the twiching or immediate contraction of both legs to maintain a position that allows any kind of movement or reaction, a concept that we were working on at the Hombu Dojo.

Tuesday evening Dídac Sensei invited me to teach again, this time I decided to review Bassai Sho with the group without the intention of memorizing the kata but to work on the principles that are in it.

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Octava y novena semana en el HDKI – Hombu Dojo Dublín

Esto poco a poco se va acercando a su final. (Ver post anteriores)


Lunes Sensei Dídac me invitó a enseñar en el dojo Mutokukan, propuesta que acepté, así que aproveche para entrenar en el twiching o contracción inmediata de ambas piernas para conservar una posición que permita cualquier tipo de reacción, bajo un calor aplacante logramos finalizar el entrenamiento.

Martes por la noche igualmente Dídac Sensei me invita a enseñar de nuevo, esta vez decidí repasar Bassai Sho con el grupo sin la intención de memorizar el kata pero si trabajar en los principios que estan dentro el él.

miercoles ya puedo volver a Dublín así que me subo al avión y de regresooooo! con una de las imágenes que mas me gusta cuando dejo Barcelona y es la montana de Montserrat que se dibuja prominente desde el aire.

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Sixth and Seventh week at the HDKI – Hombu Dojo Dublin

If you want to read some of the previous articles I recommend you see the first week, the second weekthird week the fourth and fifth week and by clicking on each one of them.

Sixth week

On Monday night class with Sensei Scott Langley we split Bassai Dai into small pieces of kihon to work in detail complex parts of this beautiful kata, I recommend this video where Sensei Scott gives instructions on how to do it, click here!

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